Dear Older Self, You have seen it up close and personal. You know the ways that alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency can rob people of their sanity and their lives. You know how it can snatch them away from you. And you know the stories of many other people who have lived this tragedy with family members and loved ones. You have watched as loved ones have lost their careers, their marriages … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Practice sobriety with alcohol
Note to Self: Keep Learning
Dear Older Self, You came into the world equipped with the an enormous capacity for wonder, awe and curiosity. Everything was new. There was so much to discover. As an infant you reached for the noses and mouths of those holding you. Then you struggled to crawl toward the object in front of you on the floor for the pure joy of exploration. When you learned to walk you picked up sticks and … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Keep Learning
Note to Self: Do a project a day
Dear Older Self, You are probably moving more slowly these days. As your energy wanes and your mobility is challenged, the basic tasks of daily living may take a lot of your energy. This will not surprise you. You have watched this happen to elderly friends and family members.You have seen how this can sometimes cause important tasks to be neglected and begin to pile up. The to-do lists … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Do a project a day
Note to Self: Do what you can
Dear Older Self, As you grow more dependent on others for help and support you will be faced with daily decisions about what you can safely do and what needs to be left for others to do. You will need growing wisdom. You will need to listen to the input of those who know and love you. The more dependent you become, the more helpless you may begin to feel. And this sense of helplessness may … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Do what you can
Note to Self: Keep beauty in your life
Dear Self, I imagine that life has changed in many ways for you. And I imagine that many of these changes make it more difficult for you to experience some of the simple beauty that life offers. While it might be more difficult to experience it, beauty still surrounds you. It is in the sun shining in through the windows. It is in clouds darkening the day. It is in the faces of those you love. … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Keep beauty in your life
Note to Self: Remember those who love you and do what you love
Dear Older Self, As you experience losses, limits and changes there will be a temptation to feel sorry for yourself. Self pity can be toxic to our hearts, minds and spirits because self pity can lead to despair. So, when you become aware of self pity in yourself please work to let it go. Please remember, however, that learning to let go of self pity is not the same as letting go of grief. … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Remember those who love you and do what you love
Note to Self: Create an Advanced Directive
Dear Older Self, I encourage you to pay attention to end-of-life medical planning. You have benefited more than once from elderly family members and friends who did this basic planning. When it came time for someone else to step in and make decisions on their behalf their advance preparations made it possible for you to follow their desires for end of life care. When a family member … [Read more...] about Note to Self: Create an Advanced Directive