We howled happiness
sitting together
in the gentle
morning light.
It was no joke,
only delicious delight
in each other
and living gratitude
for so much grace,
that sent us silly.
Later, when I was
still and listening,
you took me back
to those shared moments
of holy howling
to let me look again
into this loved one’s eyes,
and hear anew our glad sounds.
“You caught a glimpse of me in those joy filled eyes,” you said.
“You witnessed the truth
of how I see you.
You can hear in your hilarious howls
an echo of my voice,
for I howl in happiness
over you.”
“Your deepening delight
in each other
and in me
is response and reflection of my celebration of you.”
“Howl happiness often.
Live glorious gratitude every day.
Let your joy be full.
It is my joy you share.”
If you keep my commands,you will remain in my love,
just as I have kept my Father’s commands
and remain in his love.
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you
and that your joy may be complete.
My command is this:
Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15: 10-12
From Heaven at my Door by Juanita Ryan
This is the best one yet! I can hear the laughter as I read it.