In the late-night dark
roaches emerge,
swarming out of corners
to scuttle across my mind.
I wake to the sinister sounds
of the vast army of them
scurrying around,
laying eggs of accusation,
leaving toxic trails of mockery.
I am overrun.
By your grace,
I remember you.
And my small prayer
for help
seems enough.
Your voice whispers warm,
rises like first rays
of dawn, brightening into
full morning light,
chasing the hordes
with their cruel attacks away.
I linger in your light,
listen deeply to the balm
of your words
speaking into my need.
I rest, quieted again
by you.
thanks, I needed that
This has arrived very aptly today, following a night of ‘ roaches ‘ or reproaches and the balm
of the Holy Spirits intervention this morning. How wonderful it is when He provides the
right words just when they are needed…and then , as with your email, finds yet another way to confirm to us that it was indeed Himself speaking.
Lynne, I am grateful I could play a small role in that sense of confirmation of God’s presence and grace with you this morning. Thank you for just doing the same for me.