My mind, can suddenly be abuzz
with fear and confusion
that swarm like mosquitoes
rising from dead water
to dive, careen, chase and
devour all I have come to trust
of the goodness and love I have been shown.
I hear that minds are like this—
harboring hives of insanity,
waiting to rise like a thick cloud,
blocking the light, mocking grace,
attacking vulnerability’s beauty,
mercilessly seeking to devour
hope and trust and kindness.
And so I journey elsewhere,
to deep caverns within,
where my heart beats out the steady rhythm of life
and lungs sing a soft song of wonder,
as they fill and empty and fill again.
I curl up in the spaciousness
of those hidden places
that ache with longing
and rest in the strong arms of
all that is good and just and merciful.
I soak in the truth of love, bathe in light,
pray to learn love,
to be the love I have been given.
I am home.
I am part of Another
and all others.
I am made whole again.
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