We are all so wounded and defended,
and often unaware
of all the ways we spin like tops—
trying to control,
jockeying for the best spot,
managing our image,
dressing up in judges’ robes,
using words like weapons of war.
When bruised or threatened
by another’s spin
I am tempted to fight, defend.
But to knowingly strike back
would make mine
the greater crime.
Help me,
is all I can pray.
In your great kindness
you show me
your arms of love
open in a wide embrace—
loving us all in our fallen state,
whispering to our hearts,
“Let go of fear and be at peace,
for you are my beloved.”
Draw me nearer to your heart.
Guide me
in what to do and say—
that I might honor
your forgiving ways.
Teach me to receive
and be your grace today.
I love this one, my new daily prayer.
Beautiful :))))))))))))))))))))
Juanita, do you write these poems yourself? They are excellent and this coming from someone who doesn’t care much for poetry.
Michelle, all of the writing in my blog posts is my writing 🙂 I am glad you like them. These latest posts are from a new collection called Grace Rises which you can find on Amazon.