You are here, now,
asking me to remain
with you.
But my mind travels far,
revisiting, inventing,
regretting, resenting,
worrying, controlling,
without you.
Help me return
to this moment
where you live with me.
Teach me to anchor myself
to you.
May I awaken
to morning’s new light
and to you.
May I cherish the gift
of water
refreshing my face
and you.
May I be present
to preparing
first foods of the day
and to you.
May I rejoice over
the blessed convergence
of provisions,
allowing me
to drive to the day’s
labor of love,
and you.
May the rush of grace
filling each moment
take my breath away
and cause me to say
“yes,” and “thank you,”
again and again
to you.
Remain in me, as I also remain in you.
John 15:4
From Heaven at my Door by Juanita Ryan
That’s beautiful . Thank you.
I love this! So beautifully written.