You hold me gently,
allowing me to be a child.
Allowing me to not understand,
to say “it is too hard for me.”
Allowing me to say
“I need you” all the time.
You hold me securely,
allowing me to be a child.
Allowing me to love you—
sweet innocence restored.
Allowing me to feel
myself tenderly loved by you.
You hold me always,
allowing me to be a child.
Allowing me to be alive, playful,
stilled, quieted.
Allowing me to rest,
knowing in your arms
all is well.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive
the kingdom of God
like a little child will never enter it.”
And he took the children in his arms,
put his hands on them and blessed them.
Mark 10: 14-16
From Heaven at my Door by Juanita Ryan
Being held like this seems frightening to me. If I imagine myself past the fear, being held like this seems too good to be true. If I imagine it to be true, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!
Thank you, Kelly. I resonate with each of your statements. May we learn to rest in those safe Arms of Love.